


林靖嵐小姐、林祐臣先生前後代表中華民國聾人協會參加捷克世界聾人選美大賽,以精湛 表現榮獲亞洲小姐(Miss deaf Asia 2015)、亞洲先生(Mister deaf Asia 2017) 之殊榮! 在 捷克揚名國際,奠定台灣聾人之光。今年 2018 本會將舉辦聾飛鳳舞親善大使選拔賽,引起捷 克世界聾人選美主辦單位高度注意,特地邀請捷克代表來台參加本會所策劃「2018 年捷克臺 灣聾人選美觀摩交流」活動事宜,增進台灣與捷克選美組織之交流聯繫,提昇臺灣聾人的選 美活動成為國際性的規格。

Ms. Ching-Lan Lin and Mr. Yu-Chen Lin had represented the National Association of Republic of China to attend the Miss and Mister Deaf World beauty pageant in Czech Republic. Their excellent performances had been awarded as Miss deaf Asia, for Ms. Ching-Lan, in 2015 and Mister deaf Asia, for Mr. Yu-Chen, in 2017. Their awesome works have sounded the name of Taiwan in the international contests, and also greatly contributed to the Deaf community in Taiwan. We the National Association of Deaf are planing to hold the pageant for Taiwan in this year 2018, and it has attracted the attention from Czech. We have invited Czech representations come to Taiwan to participate the cultural exchange which titled: “2018 Czech and Taiwan deaf beauty pageant cultural exchange.” Through such interactions, it would improve our quality of these activities, and it could increase the relationship between Czech and Taiwan in the non-goverment level.

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