

A場:聾人的內心世界Into The Deaf heart


Opening Ceremony

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:7分mins

導   演:許豐明

小茹(Yu-Ru Cho Ru)是一個在台灣推展融合教育長大的聽障孩子,由於和班上其他聽人孩子較難溝通,感到孤單,因此產生抗拒上學的心情,直到班上轉來一位新同學後,透過積極的手語的學習,她的學校生活有了全新的開始…。

Xiao Ru (Yu-Ru Cho Ru) is a student of a forward-integrated education for hearing-impaired children growing up in Taiwan, because she's having difficulties to communicate with the rest of the class and people, she feels alone, resulting in feelings of resistance to go to school until there is one new student moved to her class and through active learning sign language, her school life has a new start ....

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:20分mins

導   演:今井彰人


While my son cuts down a performance of a performance. A mail has come from a staff in a nursing home. "A father is eager to be out recently. It's good even on the 1st, so please take him somewhere." After my father has sickness. I keep the distance. So the behavior my father can't believe is witnessed. The story by which a relation between my father and son is drawn.

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:16分mins

導   演:Rana Kazkaz & Anas Khalaf


A mother prepares her Deaf son to leave their home and venture outside in order to learn how to live in a hearing world. However, it is the son who reminds his mother of the value of silence.

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:30分mins

導   演:朴在賢


The movie describe the troublesome issue of Deaf society and the conflict between Deaf people and Oral people(口語者) The movie showed oral man's worry about identity,the Wall between Deaf people and Oral people and, the cross section of Deaf society.

休.息.時.間Break Time

韓國聾導演分享會 After-Show Sharing Session

中 文 名:朴在賢



職 業:韓國聾人電影團體 KOREA DEAF MEDIA 導演

中.餐.時.間Lunch Time

B場:誰是幕後黑手?Who is behind?

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:15分mins

導   演:Teresa Garratty


A teacher at a Deaf boarding School is brutally murdered and the suspects have been narrowed down to four students. Can Detective Clarke and psychologist, Dr Barton reveal the murderer's true identity before it's too late? Which one of the students is a cold blooded killer? It's always, The Quiet Ones.

英國聾導演分享會After-Show Sharing Session

英 文 名:Teresa Garratty

沉靜The Quiet Ones

職 業:TG Film & Photo 編導、演員

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:33分mins45秒secs

導   演:Devendra Singh Rana &K.MURALI


This story is about a Murder of girl by one of her family member, perpetrator stealing the insurance money, corps came and investiqate and how they found a murderer.

茶.點.時.間Tea Time


Deaf culture more interesting

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:10分mins

導   演:張倬豪

近年,香港有一種很奇怪的現象,無論在地鐵、街上, 辦公室, 餐廳等地方,究竟是甚麼東西可以影響人與人之間的關係呢? 可惜, 這東西不是人見人愛的,它都可以扭曲關係,可以説是,它是這世上最易拉近人與人之間的關係, 卻又最愛折磨人的玩意…

In recent years, there is a very strange phenomenon, whether in the subway, on the street, offices, restaurants and other places, what kind of thing affect people relationship? But it’s not to be so fond of. Unfortunately, things are not this cute, it can be said; it can bring people closer and it loves excruciating people, it’s …

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:7分mins

導   演:Charlie Swinbourne


A story happens between a hearing couple and a Deaf couple. It cautions us against carelessly offending people from unfamiliar communities.

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:11分mins

導   演:Marus Carmona


During teatime, five deaf female friends talked about their recent love life. Strange is that they have the same style as the book Dingqingxinwu leather bookmark.

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:14分mins38秒secs

導   演:Jean St Clair


A Deaf actress decides to lose weight to get a role. Facing the anxiety and struggle between food and honour, will she get what she wants?

自.由.時.間Free Time

16:30 PM~17:00 PM

散     場


D場:聾人萬花筒Deaf kaleidoscope

類   型:紀錄片Documentary

片   長:56分mins

導   演:David Hay & David Ellington


The documentary tells the story of Adam Evans, a Deaf fighter, as he shares insights of his schooling experience, his family life and future plans. Despite his age, he is detemined to pursue his dream of joining the high-risk sport, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), where he will face tough challenges and challengers.

類   型:動畫片Animation

片   長:9分mins45秒secs


在太空深處,一個名叫Oka的外星小綠人駕著他的太空船跟著她母親移動。他被黑洞吸了進去,跟母親就分開了。當他從黑洞逃出來後,他既迷航又害怕,結果墜毀在地球上。 一位名叫Hazel的年輕獨居聾人女性。她目擊太空船降落時劃過她的住處,並墜毀在不遠處。她會去援救他嗎?

In Space far away, a little green alien called Oka is sitting in his spaceship following his mother. He gets caught in a black hole, which takes him away from his mother. When he comes out of the black hole, he is lost and frightened and ends up crashing on Earth. A young deaf lady called Hazel lives alone. She sees the spaceship pass her house and watches it crash not far from where she lives. Will she be able to rescue it?

類   型:紀錄片Documentary

片   長:30分mins56秒secs

導   演:Ng Yit Ming, Mimi


The five deaf individuals in Singapore rose to challenge themselves to become independent in their own fields. There are no easy shortcuts to their paths and through their hard works they turned their dreams to reality.

類   型:動畫片Animation

片   長:6分mins


一般學校不接收聾女孩,後來由教導聾學生的一位老師接收;此動畫是為紀念第一位教導聾學生的教師 已故的伊朗籍老師-Jabbar Bagh-Cheban。

A deaf girl is not accepted by ordinary school and she is helped by a man who teaches deaf students. This animation commemorates late Mr. Jabbar Bagh-Cheban the first Iranian teacher of deaf students.

類   型:劇情片Drama

片   長:20分mins

導   演:佐藤剛史


To fulfill my late best friend's promise, Deaf Hero Ryugi faces mystery person.



Taiwan Contestants Video


PM 15:30〜16:00:評審會議Review Meeting、觀眾票選Viewers Vote
PM 16:00〜16:30:公布得獎名單Winners Announced、進行頒獎儀式The Award Ceremony Conducted
PM 16:30〜17:00:閉幕典禮Closing Ceremon
PM 17:00〜18:00:清    場Clearance


《 理念說明 》







